We assume the rights of freedom and debate its boundaries in politics, yet how often do we take time to reflect on what freedom means to us personally? Freedom is not a concept carved from stone; it is malleable and personal, always shifting shape depending on where you find yourself standing and the angle of the slanting light.
My personal definition of freedom is the ability to act based on my convictions without external restriction or retribution. It is the ability to represent myself as I see myself to be, not having to hide or disguise who I am in order to pursue happiness, fulfillment, and growth. It is the power of free self expression. Personal freedom is one of my top three values.
Of course, there are boundaries to freedom. My actions should not hurt others or restrict their personal freedoms, and so this is the dance of conscience. Will what I want conflict with what others want or need? If so, how can I have the personal autonomy I need while respecting the freedom of those around me?
Happy Freedom Month!
I believe there is always a path for mutual free expression, when we respect one another. Today, as we prepare to celebrate Freedom Month, I offer the following quotes as food for thought and as writing prompts
“We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.”
William Faulkner
Noam Chomsky
“If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.”
And I leave you with these questions: Which, if any, of these quotes resonate with you? What do you believe about freedom and how do you describe or define it for yourself?
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Beautiful famous words. Those words really come to life for us when you consider the idea of owning real estate, especially your own home. My guaranteed sale program is a solution to ‘wrongs’ in real estate for homeowners experiencing the Catch 22. In fact, this is how successful businesses are built. Identify something that is a problem for people and solve it.
In today’s market, many homeowners really want to make a move, but are finding themselves in a Catch 22 – whether to sell first or buy first. They don’t want to end up getting stuck owning two homes or none at all.
My solution to this dilemma is this guarantee: “Your Home Sold Guaranteed at a Price Agreeable to You or I’ll Buy It*” My own revolution, so to speak, that deals with the age-old indictment of whether to buy first of sell first.
My guaranteed sale program is a solution to ‘wrongs’ in real estate for homeowners experiencing the Catch 22. In fact, this is how successful businesses are built. Identify something that is a problem for people and solve it.

Happy Freedom Month! – Homeownership Is a Great Hedge Against the Impact of Rising Inflation
If you’re following along with the news today, you’ve heard about rising inflation. Today, inflation is at a 40-year high. According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB):
“Consumer prices accelerated again in May as shelter, energy and food prices continued to surge at the fastest pace in decades. This marked the third straight month for inflation above an 8% rate and was the largest year-over-year gain since December 1981.”
With inflation rising, you’re likely feeling it impact your dayto-day life as prices go up for gas, groceries, and more. These climbing consumer costs can put a pinch on your wallet and make you re-evaluate any big purchases you have planned to ensure they’re still worthwhile.
If you’ve been thinking about purchasing a home this year, you’re probably wondering if you should continue down that path or if it makes more sense to wait. While the answer depends on your situation, here’s how homeownership can help you combat the rising costs that come with inflation.
Happy Freedom Month! – Homeownership Helps You Stabilize One of Your Biggest Monthly Expenses
Investopedia explains that during a period of high inflation, prices rise across the board. That’s true for things like food, entertainment, and other goods and services, even housing. Both rental prices and home prices are on the rise. So, as a buyer, how can you protect yourself from increasing costs?
The answer lies in homeownership.
Buying a home allows you to stabilize what’s typically your biggest monthly expense: your housing cost. When you have a fixed-rate mortgage on your home, you lock in your monthly payment for the duration of your loan, often 15 to 30 years. James Royal, Senior Wealth Management Reporter at Bankrate, says:
A fixed-rate mortgage allows you to maintain the biggest portion of housing expenses at the same payment. Sure, property taxes will rise and other expenses may creep up, but your monthly housing payment remains the same. That’s certainly not the case if you’re renting.”
So even if other prices increase, your housing payment will be a reliable amount that can help keep your budget in check. If you rent, you don’t have that same benefit, and you won’t be protected from rising housing costs.
Investing in an Asset That Historically Outperforms Inflation
While it’s true rising home prices and higher mortgage rates mean that buying a house today costs more than it did even a few months ago, you still have an opportunity to set yourself up for a long-term win. That’s because, in inflationary times, you want to be invested in an asset that outperforms inflation and typically holds or grows in value.
The graph below shows how the average home price appreciation outperformed the average inflation rate in most decades going all the way back to the seventies – making homeownership a historically strong hedge against inflation (see graph below):

So, what does that mean for you? Today, experts forecast home prices will only go up from here thanks to the ongoing imbalance of supply and demand. Once you buy a house, any home price appreciation that does occur will grow your equity and your net worth. And since homes are typically assets that grow in value, you have peace of mind that history shows your investment is a strong one.
That means, if you’re ready and able, it makes sense to buy today before prices rise further

Healing Little Hearts in The Dominican Republic

CEDIMAT successfully performs cardiology procedure on child
Pictured are: Dr. Juan León, Dr. Rebeca Pérez, Dr. Rodrigo Soto.
SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic.-A five year-old boy diagnosed with complex Tetralogy of Fallot underwent interventional cardiac catheterization for the first time in the country in which a stent was placed in the right ventricular outflow tract , with the aim of improving his condition with the repair of his heart. Dr. Rebeca Pérez, coordinator of Pediatric Cardiology of the Centers for Diagnosis and Advanced Medicine and Medical and Telemedicine Conferences (CEDIMAT), said that this is the first time that this technique has been performed on a patient with this diagnosis in the Dominican Republic and it
was performed by doctors John Breinholt, from the Gift of Life Foundation (GOLI) and Adabeyda Báez, pediatric cardiologist at CEDIMAT. Jenny Rodríguez, mother of Liam Yendy Segura, explained that her son is very well and that this intervention has been a blessing for her son and his family, since it has given him a total change. She reported that they received the diagnosis of his heart abnormality when he was just nine months old. She was told that due to his heart condition, her son could not have a normal life of a five-year-old boy.
Happy Freedom Month!
He got tired when playing and turned very purple. “It is the first time I have seen my son sweat from playing so much, I cried with joy when I saw him enjoy the game. With food it
was the same, before the procedure he hardly ate food and now he does it like a child his age ”. In six months, this child will undergo open heart surgery to permanently correct his Tetralogy of Fallot. This
procedure was carried out within the framework of the social conference held by CEDIMAT in collaboration with the Doctor Robert Reid Cabral Children’s Hospital, the Gift of Life International Foundation, the David Ortiz Children’s Fund, the Rotary Club of Santo Domingo, the Gift of Life Foundation and la Fundación Latiendo Por Ti.
In addition to this patient, 10 children received open heart surgery and were operated on by the local
pediatric cardiovascular surgery team of CEDIMAT, led by Dr. Juan León and Dr. Rodrigo Soto from Gift of Life International. In addition, 14 patients underwent diagnostic or interventional cardiac catheterization.
Who do you know considering buying or selling a home you could refer to our real estate sales team? Not only will they benefit from our award-winning real estate service, a very worthy cause will benefit as well. To refer anyone considering buying or selling a home contact agent or pass agents contact info on to them! Thank you in advance for your referrals! The best number to reach me at is (239) 357-8787.
Over the decades of helping thousands and thousands of families sell or buy the place they call home. We have met so many wonderful, loving, caring people. We are so grateful. Thank you for reading over this months Homeward Bound, and thank you for referring anyone you know considering buying or selling to my team. They will be in good hands and a very worthy cause will benefit as well.
Who do you know considering buying or selling a home you could refer to our real estate sales team?
Not only will they benefit from our award-winning real estate service, a very worthy cause will benefit as well.
You can pass along our business card to them. I have enclosed a couple here for that purpose.
You can go to WWW.YourHomeSoldGuaranteedRealty-VasbinderInternational.com/referrals_help/ and enter their contact info online or forward the link to someone you know considering a move.
Of course you can always call me direct as well at (239) 357-8787.